GEONASGEOdynamic Network of the Academy of Sciences of the CR
GEONAS GPS stations and observatories
| Available data
| Latitude | Longitude | Elipsoidal height
| Type of station
50.50869199 | 16.22925375 | 539.58881263 | IRSM |
50.25672330 | 17.42859875 | 950.86697035 | IRSM/EPN |
49.71170820 | 15.67264081 | 607.44492543 | IRSM |
50.18546903 | 12.55229860 | 576.36432306 | IRSM |
50.11282809 | 12.55601142 | 569.95848403 | IRSM |
50.54215782 | 14.14480306 | 244.69461492 | IRSM |
50.24813459 | 12.40771465 | 587.86785788 | IRSM |
50.35688985 | 12.89347340 | 904.72966154 | IRSM/EPN |
50.13843445 | 12.29785666 | 572.17746710 | IRSM/EPN |
50.11810136 | 14.46361902 | 293.73119126 | IRSM |
50.11806807 | 14.46362209 | 294.21926332 | IRSM |
49.84293455 | 15.64941357 | 581.97839584 | IRSM |
50.99988785 | 14.46024839 | 424.15713635 | IRSM |
50.73574202 | 15.73987949 | 1648.71503455 | IRSM |
50.73587968 | 15.73974170 | 1651.58249187 | IRSM/EPN |
50.16232012 | 16.94776447 | 598.97610626 | IRSM |
49.17396461 | 14.37993066 | 562.78928247 | IRSM |
49.20406499 | 15.87866901 | 528.78553514 | IRSM |
50.50713162 | 16.01093213 | 468.08927460 | IRSM |
49.13378401 | 13.72417612 | 799.40140633 | IRSM/EPN |
50.37293401 | 17.18544542 | 287.54607303 | IRSM |
50.15648415 | 12.37990975 | 515.82287731 | IRSM |
For information about data availability please send e-mail to fucik@irsm.cas.cz.